- To enhance knowledge and skills of undergraduate sports students to enable them to provide mentoring support for boys and young men who are underachieving at school;
- To assist in reducing Early School Leaving amongst boys and young men;
- To support the engagement of HEIs with local communities and further integrate with local education and informal youth and community education schemes;
- To provide a foundation for further work with boys and young men and complement existing academic work among HEIs partners.
- Development of a Needs analysis on gendered mentoring and work on ESL addressed to HEIs offering degrees within Faculties of Sport and Exercise;
- Elaboration, piloting and evaluation of gender specific SSaMs Learning Material to inform sport students how to mentor young men and provide gender sensitive support on ESL;
- Creation of the SSaMs Train the Trainer materials;
- Development of the SSaMs Project and Pilot Evaluation Report.
- Increased skills and knowledge (and employability) of undergraduate sport students trained in gender-sensitive mentoring;
- Increased understanding of ESL and practical, gender sensitive mentoring work with boys and young men and new training resources to teach sports students made available;
- Strengthen the link between the project HEI/NGO with local organisations, schools and the local community in each country;
- Increased awareness of national and international HEIs, stakeholders, policy makers of SSaMs aims and potential in assisting in reducing rates of ESL.
- Coordinator: University of Gloucestershire (United Kingdom)
- Institute of Technology Carlow (Ireland)
- University of Thessaly (Greece)
- Univerzita Palackeho v Olomouci (Czech Republic)
- Universidad de Murcia (Spain)
- CESIE (Italy)