SSaMs – Dissemination Report
The SSaMs Dissemination Report aims at summarizing the SSaMs project results in a way that will facilitate its dissemination for interested parts: stakeholders, including higher education institutions, educational and sports authorities; and target groups, including sport students and youth sports coaches and officials. In particular, this report presents (a) the rationale and the objectives of the project, (b) the activities that were carried out, (c) the outputs that were produced, and (d) the implementation and the evaluation of the course that was piloted in university students.
Education and Training,Gender and Sexuality, Youth
Social inclusion
Higher education
Gender and sexuality
Decision makers in sports and education areas, sports students, disadvantaged boys and young men, sports lecturers, teachers, trainers
Info & contacts
SSaMs – Training Sports Students as Mentors to Improve the Educational Attainment of Boys and Young Men
DG of reference
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