Concrete actions to protect the environment: let’s invest in our planet

Friday 21 April 2023

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One of the most urgent environmental issues that our planet is facing is climate change.

Human activities, such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes, have caused an increase in greenhouse gas emissions. This has led to a rise in global temperatures, resulting in extreme weather conditions and catastrophic events such as fires and floods.

Investing in solutions that address climate change is vital to ensure a healthy planet for future generations. Switching to renewable energy sources means reducing our dependence on fossil fuels and protecting our planet.

Investing on our planet also means supporting initiatives that promote sustainable lifestyles and reducing waste production through the use of reusable and recyclable materials. It is therefore important to support activities and businesses that use sustainable practices.

CESIE commits every day to support the choice of responsible energy behaviors and sustainable lifestyles to reduce the impact of our daily activities and invest in the training of professionals.

On this World Earth Day, we want to contribute to the recognition of our collective responsibility in safeguarding our world by committing to accelerate the transition towards a fair and prosperous green economy for all.

Here are some of our initiatives that move along these lines.

GEA: environmental education for a sustainable future

As the effects of mankind on the environment progress, the need to raise public awareness of climate issues becomes urgent. GEA intends to stimulate a concrete change in behaviours and actions starting from everyday life.

In the following months, project partners will conduct a research on citizen science, environmental challenges and initiatives, which will include surveys and interviews with adults and adult educators. The results will be collated in an interactive report, which will guide the development of a training programme.

Would you like to contribute to the research? Please do not hesitate to contact:

HyPro4ST: promoting future-proof tourism

The profound transformations that have affected the tourism sector in recent years have highlighted the need to develop more sustainable solutions by strengthening hybrid skills, both in the digital and environmental spheres.

Faced with these developments, the HyPro4ST project intends to contribute to the training of professionals working in the tourism sector and to create a new professional figure, namely the ‘hybrid and sustainable tourism manager’.Do you work in tourism, academia, business, vocational training or project management? Are you interested in receiving more information? Please contact:

GEA – Green Entrepreneurs in Action: sustainability is business

Sustainable entrepreneurship can be a great potential for mobilising young people to engage in achieving major social goals, including job creation, poverty reduction, inclusion and integration. Thanks to the GEA project, a training course was created to provide the basics for young people who want to learn the basics of starting their own sustainable business.

For more information, contact Giorgia Marinelli:

SLACC: fighting climate change misinformation

Misinformation is a growing problem all over the world, and it affects every field. The SLACC project wants to bring attention not only to the issue of climate change, but also to the responsibility of making young people more aware of fake news. 

It is therefore necessary to provide young people with tools to debunk fake news, increase their critical sense and help them to become climate ‘ambassadors’, both among their peers and among adults. To do this, the need is to train youth workers whose task is to support boys and girls in their education. As part of the project, an educational platform and app has been developed.

For more information, contact Giorgia Marinelli:

GREEN LEAGUE: sports and healthy lifestyles for environmental awareness

As there is an increasing need to encourage the population to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts and to promote healthy living and well-being for all, sport can be used as a tool to generate environmental awareness and contribute to a healthier lifestyle.

In the coming months, the Green League project will organise sports events in nature, combining sport and environmental reflection, and mini-tournaments of team sports and relay races, combining sport and environmental actions, all with the aim of raising awareness among professionals and sports clubs, amateur athletes, young people and their families.

For more information contact giulia siino 

eGREEN: Reducing the environmental impact of digital transformation

Following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, VET professionals have sought to adapt by digitizing their daily practices and developing new online opportunities for their students. The eGreen project is an initiative created to address and reduce the environmental impact of digital transformation in the VET sector. The project’s partner organizations from France, Italy, Ireland, and Estonia have started initial activities to develop and disseminate short-, medium-, and long-term solutions so that VET professionals and students can actively engage in successful green digital transformation.For more information:

RfG – Refashion For Good: empowering school communities towards a sustainable lifestyle that involves fashion.

RfG Project partners will work to empower adolescents with the 4R philosophy (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recover) to address overconsumption in the fashion industry, focusing on its environmental and social impact. The objectives are directed toward a twofold goal: to address overconsumption in the fashion industry and to counter the stereotypes created, to improve the well-being of adolescents. The project will also create an environmentally and socially sustainable school community – 4R – by shaping ambassadors for tomorrow. This will result in not only greener behaviours but will break down stereotypes and misconceptions, creating a more inclusive and quality environment through participatory methods, campaigns and community engagementFor more information:

everGREEN_In: VET training as an agent of sustainable development.

Vocational pathways are considered necessary to meet the needs dictated by sustainable development. Most sectors that are central to transitioning to a green economy are directly associated with Vocational Training Institutes. In response to this need, everGREEN_In was born, which aims to accompany Vocational Training Institutes in becoming agents of change toward sustainable development through adopting green practices and responding to the needs of today’s world of work. During the three years of the project’s implementation, materials and interactive resources will be developed that, together with some training courses, will support the development of green skills among faculty and administrative staff of the Institutes.

For more information:

RELIEF: bioeconomy and innovation to support local communities.

The Relief project aims to disseminate bioeconomy principles in the agricultural sector and help innovate rural areas of the EU by creating training opportunities for university students, agricultural consultants and farmers.

The Relief training approach will cover specific skills related to the bioeconomy, green skills, and entrepreneurship; soft skills such as communication, leadership, critical, agile and creative thinking; problem-solving, teamwork skills, emotional intelligence and resilience as well as digital skills needed to facilitate the transition to the bioeconomy.

Drawing inspiration from the Living Lab approach, Relief will create collaborative structures called Bio-Economy Hubs to support rural communities, especially farmers, in developing skills and mindsets related to the bioeconomy and adopting sustainable business models.

For more informations:

Get Political: Empowering youth, building democracy

Get Political: Empowering youth, building democracy

Get Political is an innovative initiative that aims to improve the political culture and active participation of young people (15-30 years old) and youth workers. Through inclusive tools, practical experiences and educational resources, the project fills gaps in civic engagement by promoting dialogue between young people and policy-makers. The aim is to train new generations capable of shaping democratic change.