RELIEF – Curriculum

Friday 21 July 2023

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RELIEF partners have defined the structure of courses for training bioeconomy experts in the agricultural sector. The structure of the two courses is presented in detail in the document RELIEF Curriculum (Deliverable 2.2). In addition to describing the process that led to the definition of the two curricula, the document provides a description of the contents of the modules and of the individual Learning Units (LU) of which they are composed (subjects covered, duration, corresponding ECTS credits, EQF level, learning outcomes, teaching methodologies and assessment).
• The RELIEF course for Higher Education Institution consists of 5 Modules, 4 dedicated to the bioeconomy and one to horizontal skills development. Each module is made up of 4 Learning Units (LU), corresponding to 3 ECTS.
• The RELIEF VET course mirrors the university course structure, but adopts a VET approach. It is made up of 5 Modules, each consisting of 4 LU; 4 modules dedicated to topics related to the bioeconomy, 1 module dedicated to horizontal skills. Each LU is equivalent here to 1 ECTS.

DG di riferimento

EACEA, Erasmus+, Partnership for Innovation, Alliances for Education and Enterprises


Alta formazione e ricerca

Il progetto

RELIEF – euRopean bio-Economy aLliancE in Farming

Scheda progetto




Universities, Vocational Training Centers, Teachers, Trainers

Info & contatti


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CREATE – Training Toolkit

CREATE – Training Toolkit

This toolkit will enable artists to follow The Capacity Building course through all the training contents that the CREATE consortium has developed. The training materials comprise a combination of activities with text files, PPT presentations, case studies and videos which will be freely and openly available through the Virtual Knowledge Hub of the project.