CONVEY “Not a Game”: Online game against gender stereotyping
Educational Software
CONVEY – Not A Game is an investigation adventure into terrible crimes. Across 5 chapters, through mini-games, flashbacks and videos based on real testimonies of violence survivors, you become the detective looking for the people responsible for the crimes committed against a child, a girl, a woman and a student, while your own history of violence as the detective comes to surface. Not A Game aims to open discussions and raise awareness on a very serious topic. Gender-based violence is an issue common to many societies worldwide. “CONVEY – Not A Game” can be understood as an educational resource. However, its educational outcome is better achieved in conjunction with the deployment of the training workshops for students developed by the CONVEY project.
Available for computers (Windows and Mac) and for mobile devices (Android and Apple).
- gender and sexuality
- e-learning
- teachers and pupils
- youth
- women
Young people, especially aged 14-18; victims of gender-based violence; people at risk of becoming victims of GBV; general population.
Info & contacts
DG of reference
Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme, Action Grants to support transnational projects to combat sexual harassment and sexual violence against women and girls