- To assist pedagogues working with young people, with a focus on diversities, to strengthen social inclusion, and promote peer-to-peer communication and team building.
- To equip teachers with tools to enhance their capability to support students, promoting their mental health/emotional intelligence development;
- To enable teachers to use creative and innovative methodologies as symbol work, storytelling, folk tales and other non-formal education approaches when working with disadvantaged students;
- Support schools to tackle early school leaving (ESL) and disadvantage and to offer quality education, enabling success for all students.
- Development of “Kite-fighter toolkit”: this is a collection of different tools, games and exercises, which teachers can use. It will include storytelling, symbol work and folk tales exercises;
- Curriculum and implementation design for teacher training: development of curriculum and trainer’s guide for a teacher training. This training will empower teachers to use the Kite-fighter toolkit techniques as well as develop new professional and socio-emotional skills;
- Multiplier events and activities as well as delivering a set of mini-training events to empower local teachers and youth workers to use the KITE-fighter toolkit.
- National Adaption Plans: Desk research reports
- KITE Fighter toolkit for teachers;
- Teacher training curriculum and 30-hours teacher training course;
- Multilingual website including educational materials to be downloaded by teachers; links to other accessible materials and links to a Facebook group of KITE Fighters
- Rogers Foundation, RF (Hungary, coordinator)
- CESIE (Italy)
- Hafelekar (Austria)
- Active Citizens Partnership (Greece)