- Promoting methods for steering complex group-dynamic processes employing notions of fairplay
- Using football as a way of stimulating engagement in learning
- Fostering the acquisition of skills in conflict prevention and resolution, intercultural competences and social competence, in particular communication skills, for working with young migrants in football coaches
- Enabling a stronger knowledge of professional support structures (counselling, social work etc.)
- Development of workshops, with tool-kits and materials for young migrants and football trainers
- Implementation and documentation of pilot workshops
- Awareness-raising activities among stakeholders in adult education, sport and integration, disseminating fliers, posters, newsletters, project presentations, and media publications
- Develop a Hattrick Good Practice Brochure
- HATTRICK Needs Analysis, April 2010
- HATTRICK Brochure
- HATTRICK Training materials:
- HATTRICK Manual for the coach / educator
- FootbaLLL Coach Course – Activities
- HATTRICK Manual for the FootbaLLL Workshop
- FootbaLLL Workshop – Games and exercises
- Coordinator: “die Berater” Unternehmensberatungs GmbH (Austria)
- Bildung Und Projekt NETzwerk GmbH (Germany)
- Centrum voor Europese Studies en Opleidingen (Netherlands)
- SCOP ADREP (France)
- Euroinform (Bulgaria)
- Doncaster College (United Kingdom)