- Research current practices in Primary to Secondary school transition.
- Explore the needs of the students and the school community in relation to transition, with particular emphasis on gender, cultural diversity and minority groups, as well as on discrimination, bullying and any form of violence.
- Create and evaluate an innovative methodology to address the identified needs based on Process Work and Theatre of the Oppressed where the transition is understood as an opportunity for skill and leadership building, and where diversity is considered an asset towards this goal.
- Implement pilot workshops and activities in schools with different target groups to try-out, evaluate, and disseminate the methodology and resources.
- Create a Smooth Transition Toolkit to assure the dissemination, use and multiplication of results, as well as project impact and sustainability by providing replicable profile-specific easy to use pedagogical material.
- Trainings for partner staff and teachers in Forum Theatre and Process Oriented Psychology to address a diversity-based Primary to Secondary Transition with an ESL prevention focus;
- Organising Open Orientation Forums for the members of the partner schools and other local school communities to acquire skills and knowledge in relation to the transition;
- Implementing workshops related to the Smooth Transition Toolkit to prevent ESL.
- The Transition from Primary to Secondary Education to prevent ESL from a Diversity Perspective. Best Practices Report
- Online course – Primary to Secondary smooth transitioning to prevent ESL
- Bridging the Gap: Facilitating Diversity-based Transitions from Primary to Secondary School to prevent ESL. Handbook for Teachers and Counsellors
- Working on transitions from home: Resources for Families to Facilitate Diversity-based Transitions from Primary to Secondary School to prevent ESL. Booklet for families
- Project newsletters
- 45 partner staff and teachers trained in Forum Theatre and Process Oriented Psychology to address a diversity-based Primary to Secondary Transition with an ESL prevention focus.
- At least 120 members of the partner schools and 135 members of other local school communities participating in the Open Orientation Forums to raise awareness of the relation to the transition.
- At least 60 national and international participants obtain information and training in workshops related to the Smooth Transition Toolkit to prevent ESL.
- Associació La Xixa Teatre (Spain, coordinator)
- CESIE (Italy)
- Agrupamento de Escolas do Barreiro (Portugal)
- I.C. Cassarà-Guida (Italy)
- Fundació per a les Escoles Parroquials-L’Esperança (Spain)