CAP-PERI – Common Agricultural Policy, Peer Educational Resources in Italy

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To improve the awareness of citizens and young people on the social, economic and environmental implications of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) at national and European level.


Eurobarometer surveys revealed that Italians have, on average, little knowledge about the existence of a European agreement guiding EU agriculture, and little awareness of the impact of the agricultural sector on climate change, conservation of biodiversity, regeneration of rural areas and creation of new jobs. They also highlight a communication gap between farmers and consumers. CAPPERI is a project that was created to help spread among citizens, and in particular among young people, the knowledge of the economic and environmental implications of the CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) at national and European level, in relation to the achievement of the objectives of the Green Deal (ecological transition, food sustainability, fight against climate change, landscape and biodiversity protection, regeneration of rural areas, reconnection between city and countryside). CAPPERI used participatory methods and peer to peer learning activities, which allow citizens to directly experience the relevance of the European agri-food sector in the EU economy.


  • Raise awareness among young people and citizens on the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and its values;
  • Reconnect the urban population with its parks, peri-urban areas, urban gardens and rural areas;
  • Increase knowledge and understanding of the role of agriculture in society and promote generational turnover in the sector;
  • Highlight the role of the CAP in supporting the European Green Deal.


  • Educational pathways in schools based on social research and theatrical techniques to develop a creative output that helps raise awareness of the CAP;
  • Workshops and conferences aimed at citizens on a range of topics including: CAP, climate change, generational change in agriculture, local and organic products, food education, sustainable lifestyles;
  • Augmented Reality workshops aimed at boys and girls on the seasonality of products;
  • International webinars with experts from the world of agriculture and students for the dissemination of the project results at European level;
  • Call for young illustrators and exhibition of original illustrations for children inspired by the themes of the environment and agriculture.



  • 100 students aged between 14 and 18 have improved their awareness of the CAP and its values;
  • 200 citizens have increased their understanding of the role of agriculture in society;
  • 150 representatives of local associations, youth and CSOs are part of the CAPPERI community of interest;
  • 200 children approached agriculture through Augmented Reality tools.


The project

CAP-PERI – Common Agricultural Policy, Peer Educational Resources in Italy

Project number


Implementation date

01/08/2021 – 31/07/2022


DG AGRI – IMCAP-2021 — Support for information measures relating to the Common Agricultural Policy for 2021



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