- To promote the awareness of the role of the publishing sector in the European culture and identity and enhance the role of small and medium publishers also at regional level
- To create professional skills with the needed requirement for accompanying the actual transition to the epublishing and connect them to learning outcomes in a anticipatory and not reactive way
- To involve all the stakeholders representing the articulation of the publishing supply chain, from the creation to the distribution, exploiting the VET potential for creating growth and jobs
- To promote the application of EQAVET and EQF/ECVET frameworks that ensure both quality and better transferability of results
- Implementing an original training programme that will integrate both interactive learning methods (MOOC Platform) and work-based learning (WBL)
- Developing a VET outcome-oriented curriculum that responds to specific skill-shortages in the publishing labour market
- Piloting of the joint vocational training programme that will provide employees, but also unemployed, selfemployed, low skilled employees and young VET students the opportunity to update their professional skills and knowledge covering the gap related to the lack of specific skills related to the areas of the publishing supply chain as a consequence of the “digital revolution”
- Analysis of the status Quo of the strategic perspectives with regard to the publishing sector
- Synthesis Report: Mapping of the Competences and skills needs assessment in the Publishing Sector
- Guide on the application of EQF/ECVET in the publishing sector and for establishing the quality assurance principles of EQAVET
- ASAP training programme: description of methodologies and tools
- ASAP Programme Guides, for Trainers and Trainees’
- Coordinator: Fondazione Hallgarten Franchetti – Centro Studi Villa Montesca (Italy)
- AFAPP – Aassociazione fra gli artigiani provincia di Perugia – Confartigianato imprese Perugia (Italy)
- AIE – Associazione Italiana Editori (Italy)
- Giunti O.S. Organizzazioni Speciali (Italy)
- The Publishers Association (United Kingdom)
- Capacity London (United Kingdom)
- P.O.E.V. National Federation Of Publishers & Booksellers (Greece)
- EUROTRAINING Educational Organization (Greece)
- EOPPEP National Organisation for Certification and Vocational Guidance (Greece)
- CEPYME Confederación Española de la Pequeña y Mediana Empresa(Spain)
- CECE – Confederación Española de Centros de Enseñanza (Spain)
- FEP-FEE Fédération des Editeurs Européens FEE ASBL (Belgium)
- CESIE (Italia)