The generic framework contains a desktop research to assess carrier preparedness factors and potential development outcomes, and focus group reports done in each country with young people and youth workers.

The generic framework contains a desktop research to assess carrier preparedness factors and potential development outcomes, and focus group reports done in each country with young people and youth workers.
These guidelines were develop to provide clear information to the trainers of the cultural & creative sector on the registration and use of the MOOC-ART, the innovative e-learning platform of the RestART project.
The Alchemy of Good Eating, is a journey for the senses, a proposal that crosses borders and continents to immerse the reader in a world of flavors, fragrances, colors and experiences of a group of women have chosen Palermo as a city of stay.
The Manual aims to provide, in simple and clear way, practical set of ideas, techniques and tools to motivate migrant women in skill-building framework promoting media and digital competences.
The Reciprocal Maieutic Approach (RMA) is a dialectic method of inquiry and “popular self-analysis” for the empowerment of communities and individuals.
The report explores the real needs and quantifies these needs to gain a deeper knowledge on how to adapt the non-formal learning methods (to be introduced during the piloting phase) to each community and respective school system.
This report shows the findings from the evaluation of the learning outcomes of teachers who attended the European Workshop for collaborative competencies for Teachers as part of the project CARMA – RMA and other non-formal learning methods for student motivation.
This report is a result of an in depth research study for the project CARMA – RMA and other non-formal learning methods for student motivation, carried out across 7 European countries (Italy, Spain, France, Portugal, Turkey, Belgium and Austria)
This newsletter details the progress made on the project CARMA – RMA and other non-formal learning methods for student motivation since it began in January 2016.
Guide This practical guide resulted from a learning partnership and is a tool that could be of use for institutions working with migrants and minorities. The collected results and experiences can so be spread within the European Union. In addition to the exemplary...
Draft of Manifesto This is a document produced by all youth participants in the project. They were interviewed concerning the theme of violence and conflict and a final summary was created considering all the opinions and ideas expressed by youth. Manifesto: en Target...
Inventing the future - Manual This Manual gives an overview of the project 'Inventing the Future', also with some reccomendations that were developed based on our project experience. It is also possible to read and understand about the main method of the projetc, the...
This manual aims to provide guidelines on the use and application of Danilo Dolci’s Reciprocal Maieutic Approach (RMA) as an innovative pedagogical approach that can be used in the Adult Education field. It provides an overview of main theoretical concepts related to RMA as well as an example of how it could be applied on a practical level.