Green League: the link between sports and the environment continues

Thursday 30 January 2025

Home » Youth » Green League: the link between sports and the environment continues

Sports have the power to unite people and inspire change. Green League was created with this very purpose: to promote sustainability through the world of sports. This project has resulted in two key events: one in Brussels, with an international scope, and one in Palermo, focused on the local context.

The conference in Brussels

The final Green League conference, held in Brussels, was a crucial moment to share achievements and promote good practices aimed at making the sports sector more environmentally sustainable.

The event brought together stakeholders from the world of sports, policymakers and practitioners with the aim of integrating sports as a tool for environmental education and spreading the Green League model on a European scale.

A major panel discussion featured prominent experts, including:

  • Sara Massini, representative of the European Non-Governmental Sports Organisation
  • Ernest Kovacs, Project Manager of ACR
  • Nevena Vukasinovic, environmental expert

Their speeches emphasized the urgency of creating a sports sector that is more aware of and committed to protecting the planet.

The final panel in Palermo

On the local level, the concluding conference was organized in collaboration with the Faculty of Sport Sciences of the University of Palermo (UNIPA), providing an important opportunity to discuss the impact of sport on the environment.

The panel featured three experts who addressed the issue from different perspectives:

  • Roberto Feo, an expert in environmental protection, explored the topic of climate change and sustainability, with a focus on the impact on society and the world of sport.
  • Fabio Pagliara, President of the SportCity Foundation, analysed the responses of the sports world to the challenges of climate change.
  • Daniele Giliberti, President of Vivi Sano APS, together with Dario Scalia, Sicily representative of Plastic Free ODV, shared local and national good practices to reduce environmental impact.

The future of Green League

Although the Green League journey draws to a close, our commitment to a more sustainable future continues. Inclusion and respect for the planet remain core values that will guide our daily actions.

Sports remain a powerful tool for raising awareness in communities, encouraging each individual to take care of their environment.

Green League is not just a project, but an invitation to all of us: to make sustainability a way of life.

For more information contact Giulia Siino:

About Green League

Green League – Sport alliance for the environment is a project funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ programme – cooperation partnership – sport – that aims to improve the link between sport and the environment through experiential learning, promoting outdoor physical activity as a tool for environmental awareness and encouraging sustainable practices in sport.


For further information

Read more about Green League. Visit the website. Follow the awareness raising campaign and watch our videos on YouTube. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

Contact Giulia Siino:

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