SUCCESS – Guide for the Handbook and Handbook

Monday 8 July 2019

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SUCCESS – Guide for the Handbook and Handbook


The Training Package and Activities provided are evidence based and they derive from Positive Psychology theories and applications. It contains user-friendly guidelines for Trainers – School Counsellors. However, if in any case trainers or participants need any further clarifications or instructions, they can contact anytime the SUCCESS partner consortium through our online platform:

How to Utilise Training Package:

  • Training Guide for School Counsellors (or any other relevant expertise with similar role) working with adolescence.
  • Reference Tool by Trainers and teenagers / young adults who have already gone through the training.

The Material is split in to four elaborated modules which derive from the literature review and the need’s analysis we conducted earlier during the SUCCESS Project:

  1. Positivity
  2. Character Strengths
  3. Resilience
  4. Meaning (Meaning of Life)

Each module starts with introducing to the reader-trainer all the needed theoretical background. In addition, an elaborated References List is also provided to each module for those who might wish to investigate specific aspects and notions into more depth.

At the activities section, you will firstly find a Synoptic Table of the activities in finding order, including their Objectives and a brief description for each activity. All the objectives come from a list of 10 different Employability Skills (please find detailed description in pages 7-14). Last you will find the elaborated description of each activity with appendices, worksheets and references.



  • methodologies;

  • non-formal education;

  • training course;

  • skills & competencies;

  • employment.


Career counsellors; school counsellors; psychologists; social workers

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SUCCESS - Strategies to Utilise and Cultivate positive Characteristics & Employability Skills in Schools


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The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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