SeasonREADY: Research report on regional context for the introduction of work-based learning

Thursday 6 June 2019

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SeasonREADY: Research report on regional context for the introduction of work-based learning

Research report

The report summarizes the results of the SeasonREADY transnational research on training needs and preferences of small and medium hospitality and tourism enterprises in the partner countries – Italy, Croatia and Greece. Firstly, the report briefly presents the profile of tourism and hospitality sector in the partner countries including the issues of employment and its seasonality. Secondly, the theoretical foundations of work-based learning are explained and application of this approach is discussed.

Thirdly, the main findings from all the three countries are presented and commented including an overview of skills most needed from workers in tourism and hospitality. The research methodology used included in-depth interviews, focus groups and questionnaires.

Finally, the document provides recommendations based on the research results.



  • methodologies;
  • vocational training;
  • non-formal education;
  • disadvantaged targets & areas;
  • skills & competencies.


Employers, researchers, public institutions, VET institutions

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