PASSAGE – National and European State of the Art Report

Friday 9 July 2021

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Methodological and pedagogical study

Within the PASSAGE project, we carried out extensive documentary and field research at a national level, investigating the state of the art on the integration of newly arrived students from third countries. We therefore analyzed the existing literature and conducted interviews, focus groups and online surveys involving teachers, stakeholders and policy makers, in an attempt to identify gaps and challenges in existing policies, as well as the best practices and pedagogical approaches currently implemented.
The research results are collected in these 3 research reports: a national report about Italy, a transnational one comparing the results at European level, and a mapping report about educational needs in Europe. These reports will constitute a complete reference framework on the level of understanding, knowledge and awareness in issues related to educational integration.

DG di riferimento

DG EAC, Erasmus+, Key Activity 3: Support for policy reform – Social inclusion through education, training and youth



Il progetto

PASSAGE – Pedagogies of Passing from Reception to Education

Scheda progetto





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DEFA – Skills development centre on HEIs autonomy

DEFA – Skills development centre on HEIs autonomy

The Skills Development Centre on University Autonomy was established at KSTU – Kyrgyz State Technical University to train administrators, accountants, faculty, and key partners. The centre offers training programs on university financial autonomy, including fund planning and management, seeking alternative funding sources, and promoting income-generating activities and innovation.