[su_heading size=”20″]Handbook E-portfolio as the Transversal Element in the Triangle[/su_heading]
It’s an handbook focused on the utility of an E-portfolio for the NEET-group and connects the three fields of learning, living and working. The E-portfolio can be seen as a system of methods that allow a young person to work towards several objectives regarding the learning, living and working angles of the LION triangle, and additionally it offers easy-to-use monitoring tools for teachers and trainers.
[su_button url=”https://cesie.org/media/LION-15-Handbook-E-portfolio-as-the-Transversal-Element-in-the-Triangle.pdf” target=”blank” background=”#eee” color=”#333″ wide=”yes” center=”yes” radius=”10″ icon=”icon: file-pdf-o” icon_color=”#333″]Download LION – Handbook E-portfolio as the Transversal Element in the Triangle[/su_button]