LION – Handbook E-portfolio as the Transversal Element in the Triangle

Monday 29 June 2015

Home » Resources » Mobility » LION – Handbook E-portfolio as the Transversal Element in the Triangle

[su_heading size=”20″]Handbook E-portfolio as the Transversal Element in the Triangle[/su_heading]

It’s an handbook focused on the utility of an E-portfolio for the NEET-group and connects the three fields of learning, living and working. The E-portfolio can be seen as a system of methods that allow a young person to work towards several objectives regarding the learning, living and working angles of the LION triangle, and additionally it offers easy-to-use monitoring tools for teachers and trainers.

[su_button url=”” target=”blank” background=”#eee” color=”#333″ wide=”yes” center=”yes” radius=”10″ icon=”icon: file-pdf-o” icon_color=”#333″]Download LION – Handbook E-portfolio as the Transversal Element in the Triangle[/su_button]

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DEFA – Skills development centre on HEIs autonomy

DEFA – Skills development centre on HEIs autonomy

The Skills Development Centre on University Autonomy was established at KSTU – Kyrgyz State Technical University to train administrators, accountants, faculty, and key partners. The centre offers training programs on university financial autonomy, including fund planning and management, seeking alternative funding sources, and promoting income-generating activities and innovation.