CONVEY – Pilot Programme: Workshops with Young People

Tuesday 30 April 2019

Home » Resources » Education and Training » CONVEY – Pilot Programme: Workshops with Young People

Developed in the framework of the project CONVEY – Counteracting sexual violence and harassment, this document contains educational workshops to be delivered in schools aimed to:

  • educate and familiarize the young people on the issues of sexual violence, harassment, gender stereotyping,
  • teach children and young people how to protect themselves and
  • to promote behavioural change (behaviour tolerant to violence and gender stereotypical behaviour) by training young people about media influences, gender equality, healthy relationships, risky behaviour and attitudes related to media and sexuality, etc.
  • share the online simulation game by allowing young people to face sensitive topics in an attractive way for them as the target audience but also appropriate for their age and development.

Thus, the educational workshops will help youngsters to make informed decisions and develop better coping mechanisms, contributing to the prevention of violence linked to gender stereotyping and sexualisation of females in the media and new technologies.

DG di riferimento

DG JUST Directorate D: Equality Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme – Action Grants to support transnational projects to combat sexual harassment and sexual violence against women and girls


Rights and Justice

Il progetto

CONVEY – Counteracting sexual violence and harassment: Engaging Youth in schools in digital education on gender stereotyping

Scheda progetto





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