Talenti in comune

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  • To support young people in consciously designing their professional future by helping them understand today’s job market and adopt a proactive attitude when looking for a job
  • To offer on-the-job training opportunities to expand one’s professional skills and develop abilities connected to new social and cultural innovation trends
  • To foster the inclusion of young people in the labour market by offering them the opportunity to get to know innovative social and economic environments with a high social impact in different regions of Italy
  • To strengthen young people’s entrepreneurial skills concerning social and cultural entrepreneurship, supporting them in starting spin-off projects
  • To increase young people’s entrepreneurial attitude and employability by allowing them to enhance their talent through powerful social impact initiatives


  • Creating a digital database aimed at facilitating job matching between social enterprises and the innovative young people
  • Selecting 52 young undergraduates and recent graduates from the University of Palermo to be involved in a training course on social entrepreneurship
  • Implementing workshops on career guidance, skills assessment, innovative ideas, entrepreneurship, and on how to build a social enterprise aimed at young undergraduates and recent graduates
  • Implementing a workshop aimed at preparing young people to meet the demands of social enterprises
  • Carrying out study visits at innovative social enterprises working at a local level, designed for young undergraduates and recent graduates to help them gain first-hand experiences of good practices in the world of social work and get to know the urban fabric within which they are implemented, highlighting their regenerative potential
  • Organizing peer-to-peer guidance sessions with young social entrepreneurs who have started their social enterprise
  • Organizing an Info Day at the University of Palermo
  • Implementing a Job Fair in the field of social innovation to mark the passage to the placement phase
  • Starting placement paths by carrying out 15 curricular internships, 15 extracurricular internships, five grants for a business start-up with a cost refund scheme


  • Creation of a digital platform aimed at promoting job-matching between social enterprises and young people
  • Implementation of training courses aimed at young undergraduates and recent graduates
  • Implementation of an Info Day and a Job Fair in the field of social innovation
  • 52 personal projects developed by young people, based on socially innovative ideas


  • Trained 52 young undergraduates and recent graduates from the University of Palermo on career guidance, skills assessment, creation of innovative ideas and social enterprises, entrepreneurship and talent, setting-up of a social enterprise and a business plan, onboarding in social enterprises
  • Strengthened the skills young people have developed during their studies and in informal settings to enhance their profiles to meet the demands of social work
  • Helped young people become more aware of their skills, the job market, and career paths
  • Improved self-assessment and personal skills to help young people deal with changes
  • Improved young people’s skills to develop and test a professional project in new contexts to transfer innovation


The project

Talenti in comune

Project number

Implementation date

08/01/2020 - 15/07/2022


Prime Ministers’ Office – Department of Youth and National Voluntary Service



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