Smart Rehabilitation 3.0 – Innovating professional skills in the sector of existing building stock

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  • Overcoming the gap between educational offers and the increasing European need of rehabilitation specialists by defining the new professional profile of “Expert in rehabilitation”.
  • Creating homogeneous curricula for the new profession in the sector of existing building stock on European level.
  • Improving specialized training and making the construction sector more attractive to young university students.
  • Anticipating the needs of professional qualification allowing greater transnational mobility using innovative digital tools.


  • Definition of the professional profile “Expert in rehabilitation”.
  • Development of 4 online courses on innovative interventions and on technological innovation in rehabilitation.
  • Implementation of 4 short-term joint staff training events
  • Collection of best practices, materials and information in a specialized online library as a tool for teachers, students and professionals to access technological innovation and innovative interventions.
  • Multiplier events and final conference.


  • Profession “Expert in rehabilitation”.
  • 4 MOOCs enabling students with basic knowledge of innovative interventions and technological innovation in rehabilitation
  • Specialized online library for accessing technological innovation and innovative interventions


  • Professional profile “Expert in Building Rehabilitation” and the respective training program
  • Innovative pedagogical online tools (MOOC) in the rehabilitation and restoration field
  • Collaboration agreements between universities and the rehabilitation sector regarding the use of the created training courses and online platform
  • Improved correspondence between the demand and requirements of the construction sector and Universities’ educational offers
  • Consolidate innovation in the use of digital technologies in educational institutions;
  • Sensitising of public authorities, professional associations, experts in the field and private companies etc. to the European cultural and architectural heritage through local and international dissemination events


The project

Smart Rehabilitation 3.0 – Innovating professional skills in the sector of existing building stock

Project number

Implementation date

01/11/2019 – 31/10/2022


DG EAC, Erasmus+ KA2 Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices – Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education



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