Performers Go Online – Performing artists learn how to create audiovisual material from their home and promote it online during the pandemic

Home » Projects » Adult » Performers Go Online – Performing artists learn how to create audiovisual material from their home and promote it online during the pandemic


  • To overcome the lack of basics on filmmaking and digital marketing skills of performing artists;
  • To help performing artists keep being professionally active from their homes, even under the strictest lockdown conditions;
  • To provide the basics of film equipment, lighting design, sound recording, video editing and storytelling while at the same time taking into account the limitations of a filmmaker in a quarantine setting;
  • To develop a set of methods, techniques and tips on how to properly advertise an audiovisual creation and how to successfully interact with audience and potential buyers.

Target groups: performing artists of any kind (e.g. actors, singers, dancers etc), especially those with lower filmmaking and promotional skills. Stakeholders among filmmaking professionals, digital marketing specialists, commercial companies, NGOs, schools, cultural institutions, film festivals and any establishment that is interested in using homemade films for promotional, educational or artistic reasons.


  • Development of the Performing Digitally E-learning Course containing basics of filmmaking such as camera use, lighting, sound recording, video editing and principles of storytelling, all within the context of a “quarantine setting”.
  • Launch of a 40-hour piloting delivered over 3 months to 30 participants per partner country (France, Spain, Greece, Germany and Italy), facilitated by trainers who are experts in filmmaking and digital marketing.
  • Organisation of 4 webinars addressed to the course participants to present the e-course, answer questions and guide participants, team building and engagement.
  • Development of the Promoting Digitally E-learning Course, including information about social media and YouTube promotion, pitching of content to cultural institutions, tips on how to create a promotional short in a “homemade” style, and about platforms where the content can be exhibited.
  • Launch of a 40-hour piloting delivered over 3 months to the same 30 participants per partner country (France, Spain, Greece, Germany and Italy), facilitated by trainers who are experts in filmmaking and digital marketing.
  • Publications of learners’ homemade videos on YouTube channel.



  • At least 150 performers across Europe will attend the courses and enhance their filmmaking and digital marketing skills after completing the piloting.
  • Learners will learn how to work within the context of a “quarantine setting” with limited shooting spaces, basic technical equipment and little or no crew and budget.
  • Sector professionals will improve their teaching and mentoring skills while widening their network.


The project

Performers Go Online – Performing artists learn how to create audiovisual material from their home and promote it online during the pandemic

Project number


Implementation date

01/06/2021 – 31/01/2023


DG EAC, Erasmus+: Key Action 2, Partnership for Creativity



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