OTA – Online Learning Advancement – Science Through Art

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  • To equip educators of primary/secondary education (teachers of N&S subjects – Math, Physic, Chemistry-) in formal settings with skills and knowledge to work in an online setting.
  • To facilitate N&S learning in an engaging context and creating positive learning experiences by promoting the value of science and the value of Art.
  • To stimulate a change in learning setting, ease the process of building confidence and personal growth also in distance learning; and prevent the isolation and social exclusion of pupils staying at home away from peers and friends.
  • To influence policy makers in each partnership country to provide guidance and educational support for the effective online learning of N&S subjects.


  • Definition of common topics on S&N subjects across countries partners.
  • Analysis of teacher and pupils’ learning needs through focus groups and surveys.
  • Development of OTA learning methodology through different art expressions and interactive learning techniques.
  • Creations of online learning material to support teachers in delivering online classes and implementing new approaches to teaching and learning.
  • Development of online learning OTA platform related to N&S curriculums.



  • Raised awareness and a greater understanding of Online Learning of N&S subjects and soft skills in order to facilitate the achievement of learning outcomes for students in N&S subjects.
  •  Enhanced teachers’ digital pedagogical competences.
  •  Overcome/minimised barriers to online learning of natural and science subjects to aid integration into school and to reach better learning results.
  • Increased stakeholder involvement with special regards to the teaching of N&S subjects in primary/secondary education context.


The project

OTA – Online Learning Advancement – Science Through Art

Project number

Implementation date

01/04/2021 – 31/03/2023


Call 2020 Round 1 KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices; Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness



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