My Idea, My Future – Furthering social entrepreneurship in rural area

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  • To improve the social and economic situation of young people in rural areas.
  • To promote the innovative model of the so called Living Lab, a structure of non-formal mentorship and the usage of modern technologies with the purpose of informing and educating in terms of social entrepreneurship and the detection and exploitation of potential in rural areas.
  • To encourage young people to develop entrepreneurial ideas and supporting them by taking first steps to social entrepreneurship.
  • To develop new employment opportunities, provide additional jobs and social integration and professional reintegration of the most vulnerable people in the labour market.


  • Creating the Living Lab, hosting different workshops and events: a place for young people, suitable for teamwork, individual work, meetings, gatherings and alike.
  • Organising different non-formal events regarding entrepreneurship and the development of rural areas offering new knowledge and motivation for socio-entrepreneurial engagement.
  • Organising the “Festival of Social Entrepreneurship”. The festival gathers representatives of local, national and international authorities (from the partner countries), entrepreneurs, social entrepreneurs, representative of employment services, development agencies and the interested public, especially young people.



The project

My Idea, My Future – Furthering social entrepreneurship in rural area

Project number

Implementation date

08/05/2017 – 07/05/2018


DG EAC, Education and Training, Key Action 2: Co-operation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices – Strategic Partnership in the field of YOUTH



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