Innovative action to elaborate an in-depth analysis of labour market needs, transferring to VET schools and teachers more skills on new employability trends of young people.
During the recent years Europe has registered a high number of unemployed of young people (15 – 24 years). The young people have a difficult relationship with labour market and training and being unemployed at the young age can affect the future career path and income, because the opportunities are fewer and the wage level is low. Moreover, there is an insufficient information about work opportunities. The project MATRIX aims at addressing the issue of youth unemployment and develop better employability skills for young people in each partner country and the wider European Union.
- To develop and implement a coherent strategy and a roadmap for addressing youth unemployment
- To identify talent needs for specific sectors and provide training package for TVET schools
- To promote the enhancement of VET quality and attractiveness, with a specific focus on job opportunities and employment
- To deliver a skills development programme across multiple areas that will enable the youth to explore, train and retrain themselves for the work and self-employment
- To equip our youth with the right knowledge and skills to be competitive not only in but also outside the country
- Development of the framework for the assessment of employability skills
- Analysis and report for the curriculum of VET schools in each project country
- Conduction of surveys to Human Resources companies and youth placement departments for clear definitions of what European industry and companies mean by the term “employability skills”
- Conduction of survey of small and medium enterprises on the professional skills most required by companies
- Development of MATRIX with a set of employability skills according to market needs
- Creation of a framework for the Teachers’ Guide
- Creation of training materials for young people on employability and entrepreneurial skills
- Set of employability skills, based on the survey and feedback received
- Online platform containing training materials for young people on employability skills and entrepreneurial skills
- Newsletter
VET school and teachers:
- Promoted exchange of people involved in VET
- Enhance quality and innovation capacity of Member Countries’ vocational training systems
- Increased knowledge of staff in VET about the market employment skills needs
- Strengthened the capacities and development of teachers in innovative learning practices
- Improved quality of materials used for training
- Developed skills to teach entrepreneurship and personal skills
- Diversified training paths
- Promoted activities towards young people
- Improved trainees’ information of promising sectors
- Improved young people employment skills
- Facilitated employment of young people
National, regional and European level:
- Promoted better anticipation of skills needs
- Developed better matching between skills and labour market needs
- Bridge the gap between the worlds of education and work
- Brainymotion AG (Germany, Coordinator)
- KMOP – Polo dell’istruzione e dell’innovazione (Greece)
- CESIE (Italy)
- Fundação de Ensino Profissional da Praia da Vitória (Portugal)
- Fundatia pentru Promovarea Intreprinderilor Mici si Mijlocii Brasov (Romania)