Promotion of educational inclusion of students with migrant background in Spain, Italy and Greece through an intersectional approach, addressing their specific needs to improve their school performance and social inclusion.
The Eurydice report “Integration of students with a migrant background in European schools: national policies and measures”, published at the beginning of 2019, reflected the high rates of early school leaving of foreign-born students. Spain with 31.9% and Italy with 30.1% occupy the second and third place respectively in the statistics of 22 European countries, and Greece with 16.9% located in ninth place. If we add the gender variable to this analysis, we find that early school leaving is higher for boys than for girls, however, they (girls) are also far from the minimum objective of 10% of early school leaving set by the European Union. Therefore, an intersectional approach in inclusive education is necessary, starting from the important inequalities due to gender and migratory or refugee status of the students.
The Covid-19 pandemic that broke out in 2020 led to the closure of educational centres to prevent the spread of the disease, which had a differential impact by sex and origin of the student body, with incidence beyond the digital gap and access to electronic devices.
- To promote educational inclusion in schools of girls and boys with a migrant background with an intersectional approach, in the Mediterranean Europe (Spain, Italy and Greece);
- To respond to the differentiated needs of students of migrant origin in order to facilitate their school success and social inclusion in the European Union.
- Development of a Map with resources and best practices of inclusion through session meetings with participating schools and local actors;
- Development of an interactive training module for teachers, focusing on educational inclusion of girls and boys of migrant origin, with a differential approach considering their needs, and paying special attention to educational transitions and early school leaving;
- Production of local videos in each partner country, incorporating testimonies and interviews to local participants (students, families, teachers, man and women with migrant background), with the aim of inspiring young boys and girls with success stories.
- Mapping of resources and good practices in the cities of Madrid and Barcelona (Spain), Palermo (Italy) and Athens (Greece) to favour inclusion and educational continuity with an intersectional approach for girls and boys with migrant background:
– In&In mapping: strategies and resources for the socio-educational inclusion of students of migrant origin: Sicily.
– Report on social context, public policies and their impacts on the inclusion and educational trajectories of migrant students in Mediterranean Europe: a comparative and cross-country analysis of Spain, Greece and Italy; - Teacher training module on educational inclusion of students with migrant origin through intersectional approach;
- Testimonial video of women and men with migrant origin with their professional and personal paths, to be used as a reference for students:
– Testimonial video of women and men with migration backgrounds in Spain, Italy and Greece;
– Testimonial video of women and men with migration backgrounds in Italy. - Journeys of Education: video on educational testimonies from migrant referents (A guide for teachers).
- Participation of at least 6 schools in the project, promoting educational inclusion with an intersectional approach for students with migrant background.
- Involvement of at least 100 teachers (50% women) in the processes promoted by the project: at least 80% of the teachers will strengthen their knowledge and practices for educational inclusion with an intersectional approach for students with migrant origin.
- Involvement of at least 300 students (50% women) in the processes promoted by the project: 65% of the participating students will strengthen their social and intercultural skills, useful to recognize cultural diversity and value the contributions of men and especially women with migrant origin as a source of inspiration.
- More than 20 representatives of educational administrations at local, regional and national levels in Greece, Spain and Italy show their interest in promoting educational inclusion with an intersectional approach for girls and boys with migrant origin.
- Strengthening of the expertise of the partners’ organisations in promoting educational inclusion of girls and boys with migrant origin, through an intersectional approach.
- FOUNDATION INTERED (Spain, Coordinator)
- Regional Directorate for Primary and Secondary Education of Attica (Greece)
- CESIE (Italy)