- To establish specific and standard protocols for the prevention, action, mediation and/or reconciliation of violence and discrimination toward young people in international mobilities.
- to facilitate the work of educators, youth workers, educational leaders and support staff working in mobility projects, to better manage cases of violence and discriminations.
- To enhance the quality of mobility projects by ensuring to everyone inclusive and equitable access to educational opportunities abroad.
- To sensitize youth organizations and EU institutions to adopt standard procedures and protocols.
- Research to collect and share good practices and useful learnings for the elaboration of the protocols involving youth workers and volunteers;
- Training events to promote the protocols as good practices and to study the uptake of the idea of quality standards in mobility projects.
- A handbook with the protocols and a general framework on protocols, their use, adaptation and distribution among EU Institutions and organizations working on youth mobility
- Guide to Inclusive Communication in Mobilities
- 500 youth workers and educators trained for mediating and managing discrimination in international mobility projects;
- To involve external organisations to the partnership, and interested in implementing the protocols in their mobility projects.
- To involve a public body per country interested in the implementation of the protocols in their activities in international mobility and young participants;
- To reach expressions of interest in adopting or adapting the protocols in countries outside the partnership.
- An acknowledgement of the relevance of the project results from one of the European institutions.
- 100 organisations reached by dissemination activities and multiplier events.
- 10.000 young people reached by the benefits of the protocol’s implementation.
- Asociación Mundus (Spain, Coordinator)
- CESIE (Italy)
- LEAPS (Scotland)
- MARTA Center (Latvia)