- Research into good practices and identifying case studies able to illustrate successful means of ‘greening’ the labor market, with a particular focus on good practices implemented in SMEs
- Exchanging experiences and knowledge about good practices in greening the labor market between different social partners at different levels across the European Union
- Disseminating the findings of the research and the case studies to policy makers and other stakeholders at local, regional, national and EU levels
- Research – identification of good practices and case studies in each partner country
- Study visits – exchanging of experiences and knowledge about successful initiatives in each partner country
- Support to links with policy makers and other networks and partnerships interested in the successful greening of labor markets
- Overarching report analysing good practice from all four partner countries in the context of European environmental and economic policy.
- Green Business Research findings – Study on businesses to identify approaches to improving low environmental impact performance.
- Promoting sustainable business practice in Italy.
- Coordinator: Wandsworth Borough Council (United Kingdom)
- Associacion de Jovenes Empresarios de Zaragozza (AJE) (Spain)
- South Denmark European Office (SDEO) (Belgium)