New ways of intergenerational and lifelong learning through creative arts.
Across Europe, changing demographic trends have seen dramatic increases in the ageing population. The ageing population is perceived as a major challenge for the countries that are seeking safety and welfare for older people. Indeed, older people are facing ageism which can negatively effect on one’s civic engagement and social participation. Furthermore, it can erode solidarity between generations, devalue or limit our ability to benefit from what younger and older populations can contribute, and can impact health, longevity and wellbeing while also having far-reaching economic consequences.
- To provide new, innovative ways of social inclusion for older people through creative arts.
- To raise awareness among younger generations and among older people about intergenerational learning and activities.
- To enhance the competences of educators and other adult education staff.
- To improve the availability of high quality learning opportunities for adults.
- Evaluate the needs of older people through surveys.
- Develop a methodology on the basis of theatrical activities.
- Implement learning training teaching activities for educators, intergenerational or lifelong activity facilitators, on creative arts activities with social impact.
- Establish connections between different age generations, allowing intergenerational learning and exposing social issues through theatrical workshops.
- Report on understanding the needs of older people and how to support their social inclusion
- Study of intergenerational learning activities for social inclusion of older people
- Creation POP methodology to provide educators and activity facilitators with a practical guide for working with older people in intergenerational groups
- Creation POP Toolkit with drama therapy techniques and instructions for conducting theater workshops to highlight social issues
- Creation POP platform with an interactive toolkit and a Creation POP Guidebook summarizing the Creation POP methodology
- Newsletter
- 100 participants who will take part in local multiplier events.
- Improved offer of intergenerational activities and higher inclusion of older people in the activities.
- Improved andragogic knowledge, knowledge on how to organize creative intergenerational activities and on how creative arts improve the health of older people.
- Exposed stereotypes and prejudice on older people and increased intergenerational and intercultural understanding.
- Gerontological research institute (Slovenia, Coordinator)
- Associacio La Xixa Teatre (Spain)
- CESIE (Italy)
- Izobrazevalni center Geoss d.o.o (Slovenia)