- To support and improve careers advice and guidance given to young people at risk of Early School leaving (ESL)
- To enable young people to develop career management skills and make better career choices
- To improve dialogue and activity with enterprises from across Europe and across sectors (VET, second chance and informal learning)
- To ensure teachers, trainers and counsellors to have the necessary knowledge and skills to support young people to develop Career Management Skills (CMS)
- Establishing of employer forums and networks, encouraging VET providers and second chance schools to bring together education providers and enterprises
- Conducting research on existing good practices and training needs analysis of teachers and trainers
- Developing a train the trainer programme, with 4 training events across Europe, and tested among the partnership
- Gathering and sharing of good practices in employer engagement from across Europe
- Training events for teaching staffs to improve links with employers and develop learning resources
- Literature Review Report on existing careers guidance practices in schools and VET providers
- Needs Analysis report on the education and training needs of the target groups: teachers and trainers, young people at risk of ESL, employers
- Guide to Good Practice in Careers Advice for NEETs
- Train the Trainer Programme and e-Learning Platform
- Trainers’ Handbook
- Careers Curriculum Framework
- Handbook of Teaching and Learning Resources
- Guide to Effective Employer Engagement
- Coordinator: Stowarzyszenie Profilaktyczno-Wychowawcze Fenix (Poland)
- Stichting EURICON (The Netherlands)
- EfVET – European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (The Netherlands)
- Scoala Gimnaziala Nr 5 Piatra Neamt (Romania)
- CECE Madrid, Confederación Española de Centros de Enseñanza (Spain)
- ANESPO – Associação Nacional de Escolas Profissionais (Portugal)
- Intercollege Nicosia (Cyprus)
- FSZK – Fogyatékos Személyek Esélyegyenlöségéért Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft. (Hungary)