CESIE together with the Institute E. Majorana of Palermo and the collaboration of Arcigay Palermo, is
organizing a training meeting with about 4 classes of students from the fifth grades of the Institute to
present the project MY-ID My Identity, My Idea to be Myself and respond to the need of the student
population to be more aware, as well as to have a greater knowledge on sexual identity issues.
The Institute has been a beneficiary of the project activities since its inception, in fact 4 teachers were given the opportunity to participate in an international training held in Malaga from November 14-17, 2022. The objective of the training was precisely to prepare teachers to develop and implement classroom activities focused on sexual and gender diversity.
Students will be involved in a number of activities featured in a Handbook for Teachers that has been
produced and published in several language versions within the project.
This is a collection of potential activities to be carried out in the classroom during specific curricular
subjects and in relation to the needs of the teacher and the class group. For each activity, there is provision for peer reflection and discussion, so as to also improve individuals’ abilities to be able to independently and consciously seek information, as well as to work on sensitivity and empathy towards issues concerning discrimination and intersectional inequality.
About the project
My-ID – My Identity, My Idea to be Myself is financed by the Erasmus+ program, KA220-SCH – Cooperation partnerships in school education.
- Fondazione Hallgarten – Franchetti Centro Studi Villa Montesca (Italy, coordinator)
- DEFOIN – Formación para el Desarrollo y la Inserción (Spain)
- GALE – Stichting Global Alliance for LGBT Education (Netherlands)
- EUROTRAINING – Educational Organization (Greece)
- CESIE (Italy)
- Xarxa I Col·Laboració Serveis Educatius, S.L. (Spain)
- Iedersland College (Netherlands)
- Douka Ekpaideftiria AE – Palladion Lykeion Ekfpaideuthria Douka (Greece)
For further information
Read more about My-ID – My Identity.
Visit the website myid-project.eu.
Follow our Facebook page.
Contact Irene Pizzo: irene.pizzo@cesie.org.