Rewrite your own story: the InnovAgroWoMed training courses are launched

Friday 2 July 2021

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For 35 aspiring young women entrepreneurs and professionals, the time has come to start their training in the agri-food sector.

After intense weeks of evaluation and selection of participants, we inaugurated today, with a presentation meeting, the InnovAgroWoMed training.

Today’s event kicked off the path dedicated to self-entrepreneurship.

The training will allow 16 young women between 18 and 45 years from Sicily to acquire new skills and improve their knowledge of the tools and strategies needed to start a business in the agribusiness sector.

This is an intensive course, highly professional and completely free, created not only to strengthen the key skills for the start-up of entrepreneurial activities, but also to support the participants with initiatives of technical and financial support, in a professional sector that is not really inclusive for women.

The training is divided into 6 modules designed and created on the needs and expectations of the participants. Aspiring women entrepreneurs will begin to outline the feasibility of their business ideas and identify funding opportunities, to have meeting with social and technological entrepreneurs in the area and to learn about good practices for the development of sustainable products and supply chains. They will also have the opportunity to enhance their personal soft skills, communication and language skills to create an intercultural working environment and open to dialogue, all essential tools to turn their business project into a success story to tell.

The implementation of the training course will include: live streaming lessons, content and insights available on the dedicated training platform, study visits, workshops, coaching and training at companies.

The course will end in January 2022.

We are happy to launch this training within the InnovAgroWoMed project, and to put all our efforts in enhancing the innovative potential of the agri-food sector through actions that promote women’s empowerment and support the determination and desire to do of our participants.

About the project

The goal of the project InnovAgroWoMed is to boost women employability and entrepreneurship in the Agri-food sector, an industry closely linked to the cultural identity of the Mediterranean region and showing a significant level of untapped potential in terms of innovation and growth. InnovAgroWoMed is a project funded by the European Union under ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme.


For further information

Visit the project website and read more about InnovAgroWoMed.


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