Entrepreneurship among young people: final event of IDEA project

Thursday 31 March 2022

Home » Adult » Entrepreneurship among young people: final event of IDEA project

Which methods can be adopted to guide young adults entering the labour market? What skills are needed to encourage this? By supporting the development of adult educators’ skills and providing them with appropriate training through an interactive toolset, the IDEA – Interactive toolset supporting Development of Educators of Adults’ skills in Boosting Entrepreneurship among NEETs project seeks to foster entrepreneurship among young people.

On the 30th and 31st of March, CESIE organized the final event of the Erasmus+ IDEA project, at the premises of CESIE and Euroform in Palermo.

Both days were attended by adult educators interested in deepening the topic of teaching transversal and entrepreneurial skills and by those who have been personally involved in the IDEA project.

During the presentation, the results of the project were shown:

  • Mobile report about entrepreneurship teaching and entrepreneurial skills demand according to businesses. An interactive resource which allows to search and filter information on the most needed skills in the entrepreneurial field and which offers tips for self-development of educators and NEETs.
  • The Interactive toolset supporting Development of Educators of Adults’ skills in Boosting Entrepreneurship among NEETs: a digital resource that allows educators and students to access teaching and training materials and other useful resources to become successful entrepreneurs.

As for this last resource, the participants were guided step by step in the discovery of all its functionalities and in carrying out some of the activities proposed by the toolset. The meetings facilitated an exchange of ideas and opinions on the teaching of transversal skills: participants shared their experiences, regarding the teaching methods used and the main needs and requirements in teaching these skills to students.

Are you interested in the project and in its resources?

For more information contact Simona Sglavo: simona.sglavo@cesie.org

About the project

IDEA – Interactive toolset supporting Development of Educators of Adults’ skills in Boosting Entrepreneurship among NEETs is cofinanced by Erasmus+ programme, KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices KA204 – Strategic Partnerships for adult education.


For further information

Read more about IDEA, visit the project website https://idea.erasmus.site/ and follow us on Facebook.

Contact Simona Sglavo: simona.sglavo@cesie.org.

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