ASAP: New publishing profiles in the digital era

Monday 1 April 2019

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ASAP: New publishing profiles in the digital era

1 April 2019Adult, News

Do you want to acquire new professional skills to spend in the field of digital publishing, design, communication and marketing?

The fifth meeting of the project partners ASAP - Anticipatory Skills for Adapting the Publishing Sector was held in Florence (Italy) on 5 March 2019.

The project aims to propose an evolutionary map of the skill needs and designs and delivers flexible training programmes (one for each area of the publishing supply chain).

During the meeting in Florence, the Partners planned the launch activities of the pilot training, which will involve experts from the publishing and digital communication sectors of all the participating.

During the pilot phase, experts will evaluate the effectiveness of the training content and materials as to ensure the greater quality before the launch of the online training platform.

The platform will include 5 training curricula aimed at developing the following profiles:

  • Editor
  • Specialist in publicity and communication
  • Specialist in sales and marketing
  • Specialist in production
  • Specialist in design

The ASAP online training course will be available online starting from next September 2019.

About the project


ASAP is funded by the EACEA Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency of the European Commission in the framework of Erasmus+ Programme – Sector Skills Alliances in vocational education and training.

For further information

Read more about ASAP.


Contact Chiara Venturella,

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