In this section you can find the GBS newsletter to keep up-to-date with the latest news and achievements!

In this section you can find the GBS newsletter to keep up-to-date with the latest news and achievements!
SAFE Learning and Information Hub The SAFE Learning and Information Hub serves as a free online learning platform as well as an information repository and networking tool for senior learners and the adult educators working with them.
Download the Creation POP newsletters for all the latest developments on the project. The Creation POP project is dedicated to enhancing the social inclusion of older adults by using intergenerational creative arts, particularly theatre-based activities.
The press release contains activities designed by Citizens Xelerator for 2024. The program, specifically, aims to enhance the skills of adults.
The Creation POP Methodology is an innovative approach designed to foster social inclusion for older adults by using intergenerational creative arts such as storytelling, drama, and collective theatre creation.
This study explores the benefits and intergenerational creative activities for the social inclusion of older people in the Creation POP project partner countries.
Read the ILCES project newsletters.
The report includes the policies on active aging, presents good practices and presents the results of the needs of older people.
[su_heading size="20"]Europe 50+ | How to educate and activate adults at the age of 50 plus[/su_heading] The aim of the project is to work out innovative, more universal and effective methods of re-integration as well as social and professional activation of people...
Booklet The aim of the booklet is to give some ideas and advices to those organisations would like to develop EU projects promoting active ageing and intergenerational dialogue but they have no experience in transnational cooperation. The first part of the publication...
ALCE - Cook Book This book has been produced as part of a successful EU LLP Grundtvig Project – Appetite for Learning Comes with Eating. The project took place across five EU countries, Italy, UK, France, Austria and Lithuania. The aim of the ALCE project was to break...
Leaflet Travel notes and pictures of the volunteering experience. Download the leaflet - IT
Report Common report on the needs analysis carried out within the “voip” project framework. It is the state of Art Report about employees 50+ labour situation in the EU. Download the report - IT Download the report - EN
Guide This publication has been prepared under the project: VOIP - VET for over 50 employees through multi-feature platform. Download the guide - IT Download the guide - EN
Newsletters VOIP is a European project taking place in 5 countries: Bulgaria, France, Spain, Italy and Poland. It is carried out under the Life Long Learning Program (Leonardo Da Vinci, Transfer of Innovation). Several activities were carried out during the project,...