It is imperative that states establish advanced and uniform legislation to eradicate all forms of sexual exploitation and abuse of children, including grooming, and safeguard children in online environments. Read the research report on the legislation.
Risk prevention & reduction
CESAGRAM – Report: online grooming and going missing
This study seeks to understand the issue from the perspective of young people with lived experience of tech-facilitated grooming that led to them going missing.
JERICHO – Flyer for youths
The flyer ‘What if I’m not as safe as I think I am?’ is a small pocket guide focused on promoting healthy relationships and identifying signs of exploitation.
JERICHO – Awareness campaign information manual
The JERICHO manual includes information on identifying dangerous situations, understanding consent, and reporting abuse.
CESAGRAM – Training curriculum for young people around grooming
This program is designed to equip young people with the knowledge and skills needed to deal with complex topics such as grooming, missing children, and sex and affective education.
CESAGRAM – Online gamified educational platform
An educational platform for 11-14 year olds, teachers and parents focused on conversations and awareness about grooming, warning signs and effective responses. Includes activities on dangers, boundaries, abuse prevention and collaborative learning through group activities.
WEALTHY MINDS – E-learning platform
Discover Wealthy Minds’ e-learning course for nongovernmental organizations and institutions!
SOPHIE – Handbook for schools
The objective of the SOPHIE handbook is also to guide teachers to assist students in the use of digital devices and the Internet in their leisure time so that they avoid engaging in dangerous behaviours such as gambling and cyberbullying, while building a closer collaboration with families.
JERICHO – Guide for parents
The JERICHO’s Parents’ Guide is an informational tool aimed at guiding families in responding to potential or confirmed cases of sexual exploitation in prostitution of minors.
JERICHO – Report on the sexual exploitation of minors in prostitution in Italy
The JERICHO report analyzes the phenomenon of child prostitution in Italy, providing an overview of the legal framework, some statistical and demographic data, and information on the response implemented in Italy.
LEAGUE – Chatbot
Access the League chatbot if you wish to improve in identifying online abuse phenomena. The chatbot, designed for children and adolescents can be found on the project website.
ENABLE – Newsletters
Download the ENABLE project newsletters!
Skills4Life – Trainers’ Guide
Download the training guide, intended for educators working with children and youth in detention or residential (community) settings for at-risk children.
TRUST – Multi-dimensional analysis on causes and solutions for the assistance of victims
This report provides the basis for building an analytical framework for associations, Muslim communities, and institutions engaged in addressing hate crimes and hate speech against Muslim women.
WINGS – Social and labour inclusion programme
The WINGS social and labor inclusion programme is designed to support service providers working with third-country national women survivors of trafficking and violence in the provision of tailored and qualitative support.