These Briefing Papers present the main results from the local roundtables that were implemented in Italy, Spain, Greece and Belgium with the aim to exchange needs, ideas and good practices among experts in the field of support to women and girls’ survivors of trafficking and gender-based violence at an early stage.
ACTIVE: Educational platform
The educational platform is a useful tool to enhance the knowledge and skills of sports professionals in identifying and preventing violence against children, as well as in promoting a safe and child-friendly environment in sports and leisure activities.
ACTIVE: Guidelines for the creation of multi-agency networks for child safeguarding
The aim of the present Guidelines is to enable readers to create multi-agency networks with key stakeholders to foster cooperation in the field on child safeguarding.
ACTIVE: Self-assessment tool on Child Protection Policies in sports
The present tool provides guidance on how sports organisations can improve and/or develop child safeguarding practices and policies.
ACTIVE: Transnational analysis on child protection policies in sports
This report provides a comparative analysis of Child Protection Policies implemented by sports and leisure organizations in Greece, Italy, Portugal and Cyprus.
sCAN: Policy Recommendations
This document contain policy recommendations as a result of the work conducted by the sCAN partners during two years of the project.
Pilot Toolkit for Replacing Approaches to Ending FGM in the EU: Implementing Behaviour Change with Practising Communities
Pilot Toolkit for Replacing Approaches to Ending FGM in the EU: Implementing Behaviour Change with Practising Communities This pilot toolkit is based on work undertaken with Somali and Sudanese communities residing in the Netherlands and the UK. The research was...
Peace Bag for Euromed Youth Toolkit
Toolkit This Toolkit includes things you need to know about peace in your fingertips together with working tools, methods, good practices, samples of activities, training tips, basic information, do it yourself guide, experiences in the field, stories, references and...