Computational thinking is an increasingly relevant competence in today’s context. The mental process on which computational thinking is based allows problem solving of various kinds through specific methods and tools, planning strategies; it accustoms people to rigour and has multiple and concrete applications in every discipline. The production of specific and rigorous instructions and procedures makes it possible to interact with people and enjoy the potential of machines through the conversion of instructions into programming language.
How is it possible to devise teaching activities through which to develop this competence? The project TeaEdu4CT has developed 10 modules for the higher education of future teachers. The innovative Computational Thinking (CT) educational approaches adopted in the modules are related to STEAM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) and allow unplugged activities for kindergarten as well as computer modelling and simulation activities for primary and secondary school.
In recent months, project partners have been involved in an experimental phase. In collaboration with the chair of Sociology of Education and Digital Media at the University of Palermo, CESIE offered students of the master’s degree course in Pedagogical Sciences a piloting of the activities of the training modules focusing on General Introduction of Computational Thinking, Project-based and Challenge-based Learning Methodologies and Technological, Pedagogical and Instructional Design Aspects.

From 27 to 30 June 2022, the last Learning and Teaching Activity of the project took place in Tallinn (Estonia), a Summer School with the participation of the project partnership and representatives of the student body (MSc, PhD) or head teachers from the 10 partner countries to present the theoretical and practical results of the project and provide an overview of all 10 modules, supporting the more theoretical parts with practical exercises. The event made it possible to share and exchange practices, knowledge, skills and experiences on how the modules were delivered during the piloting phase and further teaching in teacher training programmes.
In the last month of the project, the partners will finalise the translations of the training modules – which will be available in our Digital Library and accessible from – and hold several local events to disseminate the project results to the public.
On 25 July 2022, in Palermo, CESIE organises a free 4-hour short training course: “Introduction to Computational Thinking”. It is an event dedicated to the presentation of the results of the TeaEdu4CT project and focused on providing teachers with a concrete understanding of computational thinking (CT). For information and registration click here.
For information, please contact Alessia Valenti:
About the project
TeaEdu4CT – Future Teachers Education: Computational Thinking and STEAM is cofinanced by Erasmus + – Directorate General for Education and Culture (DG EAC).
- Vilniaus Universitetas (Lithuania, coordinator)
- Turun Yliopisto (Finland)
- Kungliga Tekniska Hoegskolan (Sweden)
- Ankara Universitesi (Turkey)
- Tallinn University (Estonia)
- CESIE (Italy)
- Technische Universitaet Wien (Austria)
- Stichting Katholieke Universiteit (Netherlands)
- Universitaet Paderborn (Germany)
- Centre for Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology LTD CARDET (Cyprus)
For further information
Read more about TeaEdu4CT.
Contact Alessia Valenti: