Metropolis: what is the employment potential of post-industrial realties?

Sunday 10 November 2019

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Metropolis: what is the employment potential of post-industrial realties?

10 November 2019School

Digital Interactive maps to rediscover the cultural heritage and employment potential of post-industrial areas.

These are the innovative, open digital tools the Erasmus+ project Metropolis aims to develop, in order to foster social inclusion and enhance career opportunities of young people living in areas strongly affected by unemployment.

Metropolis partners met in Bradford on 24th October 2019 to discuss about digital maps. Both desk and field research were conducted to choose post-industrial areas and evaluate the impact that industrialization had on them.

An interesting aspect emerged at the meeting: the need to encourage young entrepreneurial spirit and strengthen the link between digital competences and the job market. 

Therefore, the big challenge posed by the project is not only the re-evaluation of cultural heritage, but also improving young people’s awareness of the real strengths of their own territory.

In addition, partners introduced a new resource, namely city interactive maps, which will include:

  • Cultural heritage trails
  • Geo-specific information (pictures, factsheets) about local job market and industrial heritage

The next transnational meeting will take place in Palermo in April 2020.


About the project

Metropolis – Linking Cultural Heritage to the Jobs of the Future is co-financed by Erasmus+ programme (Key Action 2, Strategic Partnerships for school education).


The partnership holds together 6 organisations:

For further information

Read more about Metropolis.

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