Metropolis: how can we link our past and cultural heritage to the future?

The crisis of traditional industrial sectors which has hit many European countries, was accompanied by an inevitable decline of several urban areas.
These developments especially had an impact on younger generations, considering the consequent scarcity of options in education and future career paths.
Consequently, increasing numbers of young people are forced to leave their city because they think their “home” cannot offer anything for their future.
On the occasion of the European Year of Cultural Heritage, Metropolis project partners launched an innovative idea: a digital tool aimed to help young people discover the employment potential of post-industrial areas while re-evaluating their urban heritage.
The digital platform will challenge stereotypes that youngsters often have towards their own territory. Interactive city maps will help younger generations improve their knowledge on the industrial heritage and employment opportunities in their city.
Metropolis partners met in Cyprus on 2 May, 2019 for the second transnational meeting. On this occasion, they discussed all the activities currently under development, such as mapping of cities to include in the digital platform. City maps will be useful both to promote local cultural heritage and provide strategic information on future employment trends. It will also provide teachers, career guidance professionals and the whole school staff with a unique instrument for orientation in the labour market.
Next transnational meeting will be held in Bradford in October.
About the project
Metropolis – Linking Cultural Heritage to the Jobs of the Future is co-financed by Erasmus+ programme (Key Action 2, Strategic Partnerships for school education).
The partnership holds together 6 organisations:
- Quality manager: CESIE (Italy)
- Monceau-Fontaines (Belgium)
- CHY Consultancy Ltd (UK).
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