TINKER – an auThentIc learNing and gender inclusive frameworK for tEaching infoRmatics in schools across Europe

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Develop and implement an evidence based, authentic learning pedagogical framework in teaching informatics, in upper primary and lower secondary education through a contemporary gender-inclusive approach.


Informatics, the discipline that underpins the competences needed to succeed in the digital world, has gained worldwide recognition for its potential to enhance future industrial and economic progress. Informatics education empowers individuals to unfold their creative mind, solve problems and generate new ideas and solutions to problems in the real and digital world (Caspersen et al., 20222). According to the Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027, using innovative and motivating approaches to teaching informatics, can help develop skills in problem-solving, creativity, and collaboration and foster interest in STEM related careers while tackling gender stereotypes. Yet, informatics education is still fragmented with regards to its content and curricula, and so is the pedagogical approaches for teaching and assessing informatics across schools in Europe. In many EU countries students leave compulsory schooling without adequate understanding of the discipline. In addition, a striking gender imbalance is evident and lingering at different levels and age groups.


  • Promote the use of a pedagogical framework for teaching and assessing informatics on the grounds of authentic learning and contemporary gender inclusive practices, in upper primary and lower secondary education.
  • Prepare teachers to create authentic learning environments, following gender inclusive practices when teaching informatics.
  •  Support mutual learning across Europe, to adopt evidence-based pedagogy in teaching and assessing informatics.
  •  Engage policy makers across the EU in discussions about informatics teaching and assessment to improve teacher practices and digital skills in Europe.


  • Development of the TINKER pedagogical Framework and Toolkit for gender inclusive informatics education
  • Development of the TINKER trainers’ Handbook.
  • Implementation of the TINKER teacher training courses for authentic and gender inclusive informatics education



Short term:

  • increased capacity of at least 120 teacher educators to adequately train teachers on authentic learning and gender inclusive practices for informatics teaching;
  • increased capacity and skills of at least 600 teachers to implement a sound, gender inclusive pedagogy when teaching and assessing informatics competencies Increased level of understanding of the green economy among youth workers.

Medium term:

  • ongoing improvement of the professional development and skills of the target groups who will be able to freely access and use the results beyond the project’s lifecycle;
  • improved awareness and attitudes to act and create strategic plans for informatics education (e.g., investments. improvement of training);
  • engaged educational stakeholders to strengthen educational practices, research, and innovation in informatics education.

Long term:

  • expanded professionalisation of the participating organisations and associated partners to innovate using reliable tools;
  • improved strategic practice and policy for sound and gender inclusive pedagogy in informatics education and teacher training;
  • intensified EU policy dialogue towards quality and gender inclusive informatics education and teacher support.


The project

TINKER – an auThentIc learNing and gender inclusive frameworK for tEaching infoRmatics in schools across Europe

Project number


Implementation date

01/01/2024 – 31/12/2026


Erasmus+: Azione chiave 3, Forward Looking



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