- To trigger substantial improvements in the education and career guidance system for disadvantaged youth in Europe by implementing an innovative counselling method using sets of symbols
- To provide an effective support in motivation and goal setting for young people facing problems in school and labour market
- To support VET professionals with a method based on a holistic approach centred on individual needs and goals of young people. This brings to improve quality and success rate of counselling
- To elaborate, improve and mainstream SymfoS method in all partner counties, by exporting solutions from privileged regions and adapting them to more challenging ones
- Researching needs and context analysis in partner organisations and benchmarking of existing Career guidance methods and processes
- Development of curriculum and competence profile for Symfos trainer
- International train the trainer and national train the trainer workshops to test the SymfoS method in each country
- Adaptation and further development of Symbol work counselling scenarios for Career and Education Councelling: Planning Road Map, Life road Map, exploring the islands of emotion, exploration of inner images
- Generic framework for Symbol work
- Basic-Clearing methodology for Symbol work
- Curriculum and Profile competencies for “SymfoS Trainer”
- SymfoS work counselling scenarios for Career and Education Counselling
- Methodology for individual learning and career pathways, supported by peers or buddies
- SymfoS Training Platform and virtual trainer network
- Transfer Handbook for “SymfoS-Methodology”
- Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung Schober GmbH (Austria, coordinator)
- ZeMiT (Austria)
- Sozialwerk Dürener Christen (Germany)
- Ballymun Job Center (Ireland)
- Asociación Caminos (Spain)
- CESIE (Italia)