SAAMA – Strategie di Accompagnamento all’Autonomia per Minori Accolti

Home » Projects » Community development » SAAMA – Strategie di Accompagnamento all’Autonomia per Minori Accolti


  • To create an effective and sustainable model for unaccompanied minors in order to facilitate their pathway to autonomy
  • To valorise the employability of unaccompanied minors in the Palermo, Agrigento and Marsala districts proposing through the use of actions in the field of personal and community empowerment
  • To develop professional skills and competences of unaccompanied minor (human capital)
  • To reinforce the relationship of minors to promote the path of inclusion (social capital)
  • To develop non-formal learning methods to valorise and to increase personal and social competences (psychological capital)


  • Action research on factors that influence the construction of social capital
  • Transfer of the social archive Ragazzi Harraga in the municipality of Marsala and in another territory
  • Seminars for the creation and the consolidation of the Welcoming enterprises network  
  • Vocational guidance for unaccompanied minors
  • Support of young talents: CALL FOR IDEAS for youngsters from 17 to 21 to open a social enterprise
  • Training courses for operator, social workers in Palermo and Marsala
  • Meetings in high schools of Palermo and Marsala to activate a discussion about migration with unaccompanied minors and experts
  • Pathway of citizenship for young migrants and locals in Palermo (interculturality, storytelling, rights and coexistence, theatre and video) and in Marsala (Libera Orchestra Popolare- Free and popular Orchestra)
  • Realization of the 2nd Festival of the Interaction in Palermo with the participation of the community


  • Valorisation of the social capital and the system of the network at local level
  • Dissemination of the social archive Ragazzi Harraga
  • Creation of a welcoming enterprises network
  • Internship for youngsters in the district of Palermo
  • Coworking space at Moltivolti
  • Skills portfolio for the evaluation of own soft and citizen competences


The project

SAAMA – Strategie di Accompagnamento all’Autonomia per Minori Accolti

Project number

Implementation date

08/04/2019 - 08/04/2022


NEVER ALONE, per un domani possibile. Accoglienza e accompagnamento dei minori e giovani stranieri non accompagnati che arrivano in Italia soli [bando promosso da Fondazione Cariplo, Compagnia di San Paolo, Fondazione con il Sud, Enel Cuore, Fondazione CRT, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Cuneo, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo, Fondazione Monte dei Paschi di Siena].



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