- To strengthen young people’s competencies and to raise awareness of risk behaviours, focusing on psychoactive drug abuse and the use of dark web sites to purchase illegal drugs;
- To help youngsters improve their self-regulation strategies;
- To build on the ability of young people to support their peers, by helping them make responsible and conscious decisions;
- To help young people feel supported by their peers;
- To foster the social and psychological well-being of young people;
- To contribute to the prevention of psychoactive substance abuse among young people.
- Building a student peer-counsellor network aimed at supporting young people by giving them information concerning risk behaviours and clarifying their doubts related to psychoactive substance abuse and dark web drug trade;
- A workshop targeted at young people based on Positive Youth Development and non-formal methodologies;
- A training course targeted at young people on a conscious use of the Internet, focused on the dark web drug trade;
- A research on the conscious use of the Internet and on the risks related to dark web sites and psychoactive substance abuse;
- Information sessions in schools aimed at contributing to the prevention of psychoactive substance abuse among young people and at promoting a conscious use of the Internet, focusing on the dark web drug trade;
- A mobile and tablet application in order to fight against the risks associated with Internet misuse (i.e. access deep-web sites) and psychoactive substance abuse;
- Launching a mobile application development contest.
- Setting up two peer-counsellor networks in two high-schools located in Palermo city centre;
- A map of the risks associated with dark web sites and psychoactive substance abuse;
- A mobile and tablet application aimed at fighting against the risks associated with Internet misuse (i.e. access deep-web sites) and psychoactive substance abuse;
- Hosting a public app launch event.