Mediterraneo Antirazzista

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  • “Mediterraneo Antirazzista” is a sport, art and cultural event that was organised for the first time in June 2008, in Palermo. The objective of the event is to promote intercultural relationships between the different components which make up the metropolitan city, trying to question the dichotomies town centre/suburbs and inclusion/exclusion.
  • The project aims at promoting an intercultural vision of our society and breaking the barriers of racism, discomfort and degradation through sport and cultural production, perceived as a social vehicle for confrontation and socialization. Meeting other people and establishing new relationships give, indeed, the opportunity to know oneself and overcome fears and prejudice, that in most cases produce social exclusion phenomena. The choice of football, in particular, is linked to its popularity and simplicity, intended as universal language able to allow everyone to express in the same way, overcoming diversity. On a football pitch, we are all the same, and it doesn’t matter if your skin has a different colour.




  • Coordinator: Associazione di Volontariato Handala
  • Promoters: A.S.D. Amalipe’, A.S.D. Scuola Atletica Berradi 091, A.S.D. Antifa Fight Club, A.S.D. Birilli (Rome), A.S.D. Stella Rossa 2006 (Naples), Arci Scampia (Naples), Arteca, Centro Astalli, Centro Territoriale Mammut (Naples), CESIE – Centro Studi ed Iniziative Europeo, Chi Rom E…Chi No (Naples), Ciaula Scopre La Luna Onlus, Comitato Borgo Vecchio, Csa Pinelli (Genoa), Differanz, Forum Antirazzista, Giardinieri Di Santa Rosalia, Gridas (Naples), Il Giardino Di Madre Teresa, L. C. D., Laici Comboniani, Laboratorio Zen Insieme, Laboratorio Zeta, Left, Libera, Lievito Onlus, Metropoliz (Rome), Oss. Antidiscriminazioni Razziali “Nourredine Adnane”, Narramondi, Per Esempio.., Popica Onlus (Rome), Re Up (Genoa), San Giovanni Apostolo, Santa Chiara, San Saverio.
  • Other collaborations: Ce.S.Vo.P. (Centro Servizi per il Volontariato di Palermo), Rete Interistituzionale dell’Unità di Primo Livello San Filippo Neri di Palermo, U.N.A.R. (Ufficio Nazionale Antidiscriminazioni Razziali – Ministero Pari Opportunità), Comune di Palermo, Provincia Regionale di Palermo, Assemblea Regionale Siciliana, Banca Etica, Rete Cag, Fondazione con il Sud, UISP, Mondiali Antirazzisti.

The project

Mediterraneo Antirazzista

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