INTERFACE – Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Fragile Communities in Europe

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  • To identify fragile communities in the partner countries and regions, which possess potential for mitigating their state of “fragility” through project interventions
  • To identify the competence gaps and training needs of fragile community members and local authorities in areas, related to the creation of sustainable new jobs and services for the betterment of these communities.
  • To provide training to community coaches and delivering pilot community workshops which will help fragile communities’ members acquiring competences they can use for solving their practical community problems and thus empowering communities
  • To transfer the project effects to other regions and countries in order to maximise the efforts of the partnership to support the revival of fragile communities across Europe.


  • Development of a competence gap analysis through desk research and surveys
  • Elaboration of INTERFACE curriculum for coaches
  • Implementation of pilot training of community coaches and community workshops
  • Creation of INTERFACE learning platform


  • Enhanced and strengthened fragile communities within their regions and countries
  • Created and piloted coaching methods and training materials and established community coaches network
  • Enhanced fragile community members’ potential to responsibly and autonomously employ innovation, creativity, analytical thinking, resourcefulness, leadership and resilience for the betterment of their communities.


  • Coordinator: Icelandic Regional Development Institute [Iceland]
  • Aitoliki Development Agency [Greece]
  • CESIE [Italy]
  • Tora Consult Ltd. [Bulgaria]
  • Tipperary County Council [Ireland]
  • Haskolinn a Bifrost [Iceland]

The project

INTERFACE – Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Fragile Communities in Europe

Project number

Implementation date

01/09/2017 – 31/08/2019


DG EAC, Erasmus+: Key Action 2, Strategic Partnership in the field of Adult education



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