INTERBA – INTERnationalization at Home: Embedding Approaches and Structures to Foster Internationalization at Western BAlkans

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Strengthening international, intercultural and global dimension via Internalisation at Home (IaH) implementation at HEIs in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo in order to enhance the quality of education and to make a meaningful contribution to the society.


Internationalization of HEIs in the Balkan region has been primarily achieved through student and staff mobility as well as Erasmus+ CBHE project. These activities had a significant effect in modernizing the curriculum and exposure to different teaching and learning methodologies. However, because the number of students and staff involved in these projects was limited, the impact has been asymmetric within university departments. Thus, approaching internationalization on a more holistic way, by embedding and strengthening “internationalization at home”, is vital. Internationalization at Home refers to the policies and processes that purposefully integrate international and intercultural aspects into the curricular and co-curricular activities for students.


  • To formulate a coherent and detailed Internationalisation at Home concept that could be mainstreamed into the partner HEIs Roadmaps following on from their specific exigencies.
  • To level up the scope and viability of Internationalisation at Home activities implemented in partner HEIs.
  • To train an expert pool capable of developing and integrating Internationalisation at Home into HEI environment.
  • To launch an online platform as a tool for Internationalisation at Home implementation.
  • To establish/modernize the existing structure/entities responsible for Internationalisation at Home at HEIs.


  • Perform Needs Analysis at institutional, national and regional level and outline priority areas for internationalization.
  • Create a knowledge repository base and networks of knowledge experts at institutional, national and regional level, including a coordination model for using existing resources.
  • Create training contents for members of expert networks, including guidelines on how to prepare short training opportunities for delivering knowledge to others and guidelines for putting together Request for Knowledge documents submitted to the network of experts.
  • Train core staff from all institutions in EU through Train the Trainers workshops and organize pilot training in all partner countries.
  • Create Moodle structures for the delivery of e-learning.



  • 5 staff from each Partner Higher Education Institution trained
  • 20-30 staff re-trained in each Partner Higher Education Institution
  • 240-360 trainees and visiting academic staff
  • 500 trainees overall in the region will be part of the network of experts


The project

INTERBA – INTERnationalization at Home: Embedding Approaches and Structures to Foster Internationalization at Western BAlkans

Project number


Implementation date

15/11/2019 – 14/11/2023


EAC, Erasmus+ Key Action 2, Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education



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