InScool – Inclusive Schools II

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  • To promote change in school culture to enable people to live, work and learn together equitably and peacefully, without fear of discrimination or bullying;
  • To deepen educators’ knowledge and understanding of inclusive education policy, practice and culture;
  • To influence policy change at school, local, regional and national levels;
  • To contribute, through promoting a sense of belonging and the common values of respect, freedom, democracy and equality, to the decrease of radicalization.


  • National focus groups with school leaders, teachers and student teachers in relation to inclusive education and inclusive pedagogies;
  • An international trainers’ event to allow participants to familiarize with the materials of the project and tailor them for their contexts;
  • Face-to-face courses for school leaders and teachers focused on changing culture and school practices, supporting the introduction of inclusive policies;
  • Piloting training courses for student/newly qualified teachers to collect feedback on the training courses developed.


  • Face-to-face course material for the professional development in inclusive education of school leaders.
  • Face-to-face course material for teachers to provide them with knowledge and tools to build a more inclusive school community.
  • A Mass Open Online Course (MOOC) for students and newly qualified teachers.


  • An international pool of 12 trainers, who will act as multipliers, equipped to deliver CPD courses to school leaders and teachers;
  • 130 school leaders with the knowledge and confidence to lead the implementation of inclusive education in their school;
  • 120 teachers with the knowledge and confidence to embed inclusive pedagogies in their classrooms;
  • Indirect engagement of 10,000 learners, through changes to policy and practice in their schools;
  • 12 school leaders and teachers able to act as role models for their peers, and to influence policy makers both locally and nationally.


The project

InScool – Inclusive Schools II

Project number

Implementation date

15/01/2021 – 14/07/2023


Erasmus +, KA3 Social inclusion through education, training and youth



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