- To improve the reception system of unaccompanied minors by promoting models ensuring the protection of children’s rights in Italy;
- To promote models supporting social inclusion which take into account the potential, the interests and the expectations of unaccompanied minors, so as to facilitate an autonomous and responsible passage to adulthood by involving the Region of Sicily;
- To create a social file for each minor featuring all the information concerning their identities, the reception procedures, the inclusion strategies and the hard, soft and life skills they have developed;
- To give unaccompanied minors the opportunity to strengthen and develop soft and relational skills;
- To develop an active policy for labour market integration of unaccompanied minors;
- To identify temporary housing solutions featuring affordable accommodations for unaccompanied minors and a tourist hostel;
- To design efficient tools in order to ensure the visibility and sustainability of the project.
- Creating a platform which allows users to share, monitor and follow the inclusion strategies of unaccompanied minors living in Palermo;
- Developing activities aimed at sharing methodologies and identifying tools so as to enhance and value the skills acquired by unaccompanied minors and improve the continuity of inclusion strategies;
- Promoting activities aimed at enhancing active citizenship and including unaccompanied minors in the social and cultural life of Palermo (i.e. intercultural, theatre and multimedia workshops);
- Creating and promoting the adoption of open source tools enabling a participatory mapping of the social and cultural organizations in Palermo;
- Informing, describing, and supporting unaccompanied minors in order to promote active labour market policies;
- Supporting vocational counselling services so as to identify professional skills and collect vacancies from hosting businesses;
- Redecorating and adapting buildings to host unaccompanied minors and guests;
- Assisting and helping institutional care leavers and providing them with autonomous and affordable housing solutions;
- Managing a tourist hostel in collaboration with unaccompanied minors;
- Sensitising and raising awareness of the project in order to promote and enhance its scope.
- Creation of a platform with social files for each minor featuring all the information concerning their identities, the reception procedures, the inclusion strategies and the hard, soft and life skills they have developed;
- Unaccompanied minors who take part in the project will develop soft and interpersonal skills: i.e. self-empowerment, self-esteem, awareness of their own competences and talents;
- Development of an active policy for labour market integration of unaccompanied minors;
- Setting up temporary and affordable housing solutions featuring a low-cost accommodation for unaccompanied minors and a tourist hostel.
- CIAI – Centro Italiano Aiuti all’Infanzia Onlus (Coordinator)
- Comune di Palermo – Assessorato alla Cittadinanza Sociale
- Associazione Santa Chiara
- Cooperativa Libera…mente
- CPIA Palermo 1
- Libera Palermo
- Nottedoro