- To contribute to making the necessary adaptations in elementary school programs on anti-discrimination towards people with disabilities, so that they are compatible with EU standards
- To strengthen the relationships and enable an exchange between the civil society actors in EU member countries and in Turkey
- Research to compare curricula and practices in Italian, Turkish and European primary schools
- Development of a pilot model of education inspired by the research
- Development of specific educational materials to raise awareness in primary schools about the fight against discrimination of people with special needs
- Implementation of awareness-raising seminars in 30 schools in the district of Atasehir (Istanbul, Turkey)
- Organization of educational workshops for guidance teachers and school vice-principals
- Proposal of alternative classroom activities to the Turkish Ministry of Education
- Comparative research report on the curricula and best practices dealing with discrimination of people with special needs in Turkey, Italy and in Europe
- Pilot model of education on anti-discrimination
- Awareness-raising educational materials for primary schools, including activity cards and an animation movie
- Awareness-raising seminars
- Educational workshops for guidance teachers and school vice-principals
- Alternative classroom activity proposals presented as a report to the Turkish Ministry of Education
- Coordinator: TSCV – Turkish Spastic Children’s Foundation (Turkey)