- To stimulate intercultural dialogue using food as a vehicle.
- To promote cooperation between youth from the EU and Asia.
- To reinforce creativity, active citizenship, entrepreneurship of young people.
- To raise awareness about intercultural issues, in particular related to food traditions, healthy food and sustainable consumption and development among the wider society.
- Research about traditional and healthy food and about sustainable consumption.
- Training course in Beijing with young chefs, video makers and young social workers about the thematic of the project.
- Culinary workshops, interviews and dissemination events at local and international level.
- Creation of a video documentary about the project development/activities and research results.
- Food Fair in Palermo with the involvement of partners-participants and local realities working in the field of sustainable consumption and promotion of traditional and healthy food.
- Video Documentaries: Eat Smart, East meets West for sustainable food lifestyles (France, Italy, Vietnam, China)
- Nouvelles Cousine Recipes from the 4 partner countries.
- Toolbox – If you wish to launch a similar project, here are some tools that may be useful.
- Coordinator: CESIE (Italy)
- CANGO – China Association for NGO Cooperation (China)
- Pistes Solidaires (France)
- Solidarité Jeunesse Vietnam (Vietnam)