- DEEP.Com Goes Mobile aims to translate the EU-Xchange web platform and the services developed in DEEP.Com in German, Spanish, French and Italian, moreover it will develop additional tools like mentoring and coaching and specific support actions for GRU project co-ordinators and managers to sustain them about marketing and commercialization of their project results
- Translation DEEP.Com services and EU-Xchange platform into German, Spanish, French and Italian
- To develop and establish specific support actions for Marketing and Commercialization project results
- To develop appropriate and customized services for Project Managers
- The EU-Xchange web platform in German, Spanish, French and Italian languages
- Services for Grundtvig Project Managers (expert forums, online help system, expert evaluation) and support for project managers (Marketing & Commercialisation first level support)
- DEEP.Com LICENSING e-learning en/ita
- DEEP.Com MARKETING e-learning en/ita
- Coordinator: UBW Unternehmensberatung Wagenhofer GmbH (Austria)
- The Business club AUSTRIALIA (Austria)
- Iberika group (Germany)
- Pistes Solidaires (France)